Dreams do come true,with a little help from your friends. I love & collect old vintage kitchen cabinets. The kind your
Granny used & was the hub,center,of her kitchen. I have looked & lusted over this Fiesta cabinet for over 18 years
of collecting Fiesta dishes. Never,ever,dreaming I could own one,as only two have been know to exist in collections. Well,now
mine is the third! One morning I read mention on a collector board that this cabinet had been spotted in an antique mall
in SC. With trembling fingers,I searched the net for the number to the mall. Trying not to get my hopes too high. I called,and,yes,yes,it
was still there! I thought I was going to have a stroke! They agreed to hold it for one day & I called a friend who
had posted about seeing this cabinet & he went & took pictures for me & emailed them for my viewing. All it took,was
one look,& I was on the phone to the mall. Fate was on my sdie that day. I never had a clue as to how I was going to get
it from SC. to my home in AZ. Could you believe,a dealer from the mall would be driving out to Phoenix,AZ.,in a month &
said he would bring it to me! I knew it was meant to be mine! In talking with the two other owners of this special
Fiesta cabinet & to the company that manufactured it in 1936,we believe that a few of these cabinets were made for stores
to dispaly the Fiesta dishes when they were introduced to the public in 1936. It is trimmed in stripes with the exact original
colors that fiesta was first produced in. It is such a wonderful piece to bring all your collection together for display.
The pictures here where taken when it came to my home at the end of Nov.,& I decorated it for it's first Christmas
in my home!

Fiesta Cabinet in SC...Pictures taken by Mark G. |

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